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UFZ - Doctoral Award 2023 Carolin Winter:
Promotionspreis 2023, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung
EGU - Presentation Award November 2023 Jonas Pyschik:
Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP)
EGU - Travel Award Mai 2023 Jonas Pyschik:
Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
EGU - Highlight Article August 2021 Michael Stoelzle and Lina Stein (2021):
Rainbow color map distorts and misleads research in hydrology – guidance for better visualizations and science communication
2020 - DWA/FgHW
März 2020 Markus Weiler:
Entwicklung u. Anwendung des bodenhydrologischen Modells RoGeR
Outstanding Paper Award 2020
Vadose Zone Journal
Oktober 2020 Matthias Sprenger et al.:
Measuring and Modeling Stable Isotopes of Mobile and Bulk Soil Water
TdH - Poster Award April 2019 Kerstin Stahl et al.:
Die Dürre 2018: extreme Hydrometeorologie und ein sichtbares Spektrum an Auswirkungen
Biogeosciences Reviewer Award Februar 2019 Andreas Hartmann:
for his exceptional support of the journal during the past three years
AGU Fall Meeting 2017 - Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) Dezember 2017 Dominic Demand:
Infiltration Processes and Flow Velocities Across the Landscape: When and Where is Macropore Flow Relevant?
TdH - Poster Award April 2017 Michael Stoelzle et al.:
Niedrigwasser im Rhein - eine graphische Datenanalyse
EGU - OSP-Preis Oktober 2015 Michael Stoelzle et al.:
Improved baseflow characterization in mountainous catchments
EGU - Highlight Article Juni 2015 Andreas Hartmann et al. (2015, GMD):
A large-scale simulation model to assess karstic groundwater recharge over Europe and the Mediterranean
EGU - Travel Award Mai 2014 Fabian Ries:
Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Uni FR - IGA-Prize Dezember 2013 Andreas Hartmann:
Prize for excellent commitment for PhD students by the International Graduate Academy (IGA) of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
City of Dresden -
GW Research Prize
Juni 2013 Andreas Hartmann:
Modeling karst hydrology and hydrochemistry at different scales and in different climates considering uncertainty
TdH - Poster Award April 2013 Irene Kohn et al.:
2011 - Ein Jahr hydrologischer Extreme in Deutschland?
Jim Dooge Award -
Best Publication

April 2013 Andreas Hartmann et al. (2012, HESS): A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers
best 2012 publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
Die Zeit / academics.de
Young Scientist of the Year
November 2012 Andreas Hartmann:
2nd prize in the "Young Scientist of the Year" competition, awarded by the big German newspaper "Die Zeit" and "academics.de" for an excellent research project and social engagement
TdH - Poster Award April 2012 Jakob Garvelmann et al.:
Potential der Zeitraffer-Fotografie zur Beobachtung der räumlichen Verteilung von Schneedeckeneigenschaften
EGU - Travel Award April 2011 Andreas Hartmann:
Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Uni FR - Alumni Award Juli 2010 Fabian Ries:
Alumni award of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg for an excellent final exam, social commitment and an excellent master thesis
IAH - Researcher Prize September 2009 Andreas Hartmann:
Young Karst Researcher Prize, International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH, Commission on Karst Hydrology
Uni FR - Alumni Award Februar 2009 Andreas Hartmann:
Alumni award of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg for an excellent final exam, social commitment and an excellent master thesis
Certificate of Excellence November 2003 Jürgen Strub et al., für die Kartographie des Hydrologischen Atlas von Deutschland: "First Place - Battle of the Maps / Atlas Cartography" der Softwarefirma Corporate Montage


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