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Strub, Jürgen


Technical employee

Dipl. Ing. Cartography (FH)

Chair of Hydrology
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
Friedrichstraße 39
D-79098 Freiburg

Phone: +49 (0)761 - 203 3533
E-Mail: strub.gif
Room-No: 01.022

jürgen strub


Cartography - Graphics - IT Administration

since 1999 Cartographer at the Chair / Institute of Hydrology, University of Freiburg i. Br.
1995-99 Cartographer in the Project Hydrological Atlas of Germany HAD at the IHF, Uni Freiburg


1992-95 Photogrammetry Operater at the BILDMESSUNG GmbH in Neuenburg
1991-92  Cartographer at Graphische Betriebe ORELL-FÜSSLI AG in Zürich/CH
Diploma thesis: "Comparing digital and traditional techniques creating a 
topographical map of Papua Newguinea 1 : 3.000.000"
1986-91  Cartography-Study at the Polytechnical College of Karlsruhe


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